S•H•E is...

Grand Rising beautiful beings,

S•H•E is the full embodiment of ALL higher vibrations.

S•H•E is thee Authentic You.

I AM so grateful and thankful for this platform for this blessed and sacred space. 

Thank You,Thank You, Thank You.

Some of you that will journey thru here may know me and some of you will be getting to know me, this post is for both.

I have to begin with; I FINALLY DID IT!! 

I final fuckingly committed fully to ME.

Has the journey been easy?
I’ll say that perception depends on who you ask, but from me, yes, it has been as easy as life can be when you surrender and accept. 

Where there/ Are there obstacles? 
Fuck yeah 😒

But, as tired as some of us are of hearing about faith the size of a mustard seed, I have been on a path that has proven to me yes, that is ALL you need in the beginning but throughout the rest of the journey you NEED to water that seed.

Water it with breaking every chain, Water it with determination, Water it with tears, Water it with casting it your fears, Water with shedding beliefs that do not serve you, however you water that damn thing, you better not just plant it and expect it to grow.  

That mustard seed is you. 

You opening your eyes with breath in your body is the seed of faith that we have to tap into on those days that you are feeling all the weight and to dried up to bare it. 

Water Yourself,boo.